Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Psychology of Gender_Reflection Paper

Psychology of Gender_Reflection Paper

Q For this week, you had to peruse 3 different chapters. Select one of the chapters you read this week and provide a 2 page reflection of that chapter. For example, what interested you the most about the chapter, how did the chapter relate to an experience you may have had, etc.

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Women are different from men this is a known aspect, but how are women different in terms of perceiving pain is a very important topic of research. The women are very prone towards emotional aspects of things. In research about similar illness in men and women and their perception of pain, it is seen that women report more pain than women. One reason can definitely be that there are more pain receptors in women and there are less pain receptors in men. The pain receptors act as a way in which different pain sensations have different receptors.